Welcome to our December update from the school. We are excited to share the latest stories, achievements, and ways you can support our mission of providing quality education and resources to these deserving children.

Parent-Teacher Meeting

We recently held a successful parent-teacher meeting where we received positive feedback from parents about their children’s improvement. It was heartwarming to see the happiness on their faces, knowing that their children are thriving in our school. We are immensely grateful for their trust and support.

School visit Helping Hands for India

2nd December Ashram Visit

In December, we had the pleasure of hosting special guests from Akhanda Yoga Ashram, who visited our school to meet the students and share sweets and fruits. 

The kids always love it when Guru-ji comes to the school with visitors!

5th December World Soil Day

The children learned about various types of soil, including their agricultural applications and locations. Additionally, they explored the significance of soil in cultivation and celebrated World Soil Day.

World Soil Day, is a key date in our school calendar. It offers a fantastic opportunity to educate our students about the vital role soil plays in sustaining life and ecosystems. The children actively participated in various activities, gaining an understanding of different soil types and their importance in agriculture and environmental sustainability. It was a day filled with learning and respect for the earth and its resources.


World Soil Day

10th December Human Rights Day

On Human Rights Day, the teachers took the opportunity to create lessons about human rights and the importance of treating everyone with equality and respect. We believe in instilling these values from a young age to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Human Rights Day in India holds a particular significance, as it serves as a reminder of the country’s diverse and rich cultural, religious, and ethnic tapestry. It is crucial for the kids to understand that every individual, regardless of their caste, creed, religion, or socioeconomic status, is entitled to the same set of universal human rights. Our students expressed a keen interest in the topic, reflecting a promising step towards a more equitable Indian society


Human Rights Day 2023

Merry Christmas

On Christmas day, our school was filled with joy and festive spirit.

The students came together to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree, spreading cheer and happiness throughout the school.

Helping Hands for India World Food Day

26th December Maths & Words Activity

The kids had a great time exploring words with double meanings through various engaging activities and games. They enjoyed the challenge of deciphering the different interpretations and expanding their vocabulary. It was a fun and educational experience that sparked their curiosity and creativity.

The kids also practised their counting skills through interactive maths games and exercises. Learning became a joyful experience!

Helping Hands for India studying hard

Ways to Support

You can make a difference in the lives of these underprivileged children by supporting our school. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

Donate: Your generous contributions enable us to provide quality education and resources to our students. Every donation, no matter the amount, helps us create a brighter future for these children.

Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness about our mission and stories by sharing them on your social media platforms. Together, we can create a ripple effect of change and inspire others to support underprivileged children.

We extend our gratitude to all supporters and volunteers who make our mission possible. Together, let’s continue to transform the lives of these deserving children and provide them with a brighter future. Join us in making a difference today!